
Yousef Dave
Dec 15, 2023


Photo By: Yousef Dave

In the Wilderness of Revolution, Life finds a way. Forever changing & developing skills upon new terrains. Office space, landscapes, waterways, & relations. Revolution cannot be televised when it lacks perfection in representation. Honestly speaking, authentic revolution is not pretty. Hands dirty, knees bruised, & mind constantly unlearning what was the usual. New tools, new rules, are you ready to take on traditional views? Uniquely you in the wilderness. Your role can make someone or something worry less. Another meaning, or an entity beginning. Companies crunch numbers here, but in the wilderness we gather in numbers here. Survival of the unified, revolutionizing what was once old and outdated. In the wilderness of revolution, you’ll find light. God’s new nation.



Are you lost, or have you found yourself within your own “Wilderness”?

